Friday, August 23, 2013

Facebook Gynecology

Does your gyno have a Facebook page? Mine does. I'm looking at it right now. I'm at work today, smiling, thinking of my gynecologist's office. That totally sounds weird. But in a way, isn't that how it should be? I mean, it's the most intimate of all doctor-patient experiences, right? It's one most women dread. I've never heard any woman, any friend of mine, say that they can't wait for their gynecology appointment. BUT, you can have a "better" experience.

Since college, I've had like fifteen different insurances and I've moved around a decent amount. I didn't just move around Bergen County. I moved from Bergen to Mercer and back between 1992-2001. I've had lots of doctors. Including gynecologists. I saw a woman for a hot minute in Englewood I think but she was going on maternity leave the next week. I went to a crazy man who saw me in a room filled with what looked like moving boxes. I wasn't sure if I was in an exam room or a broom closet. One time, I was supposed to have a procedure and they FORGOT about me. So I was naked in an exam room/broom closet for close to an hour before they realized I was there. The last time I went there they told me they moved. When I got in there the staff was behind bulletproof glass. I didn't know what was going on. I was thinking maybe the broom closet wasn't so bad. He was cool in the way that he'd call personally at any hour, like 9p, if he had something to tell you. But then he told me something was wrong with me that wasn't. I decided to find another doctor.

I knew I was going to start trying to have a baby in 2008. I must have asked friends for a recommendation for an OB/gyn. I'm not really sure how I ended up finding Dr Craig Wiener. I know my one friend had been going there her whole life and her mom had gone to his dad. And maybe she used his dad too. In any event, I chose him. I think that was in 2008. And from the beginning he was great. Admittedly, the office back then was kind of a shitshow. It was hard to get an appointment and when I'd have one, I'd be sitting for hours in the waiting room.

But now- I don't know what they did over there. I've been going there every month for a year doing their weight loss program. Yes, they do other stuff! I think they even do Botox but you'll have to ask them about it. The ENTIRE year- the office runs like CLOCKWORK. I come in for an appointment and I think the longest I've waited, IF I've had to wait, has been fifteen minutes! It's amazing. The staff is all really nice and caring and they all know who you are. Lisa, Erin, Mary (squared) are all really nice, smiling faces to see when you're going to the doctor specialty you least want to be seeing. It's not like when you go to "doctor factory" and no ones knows anything about you. It's like that old-school "family doctor" feel. And when I see Dr Craig, it's like he has all the time in the world to discuss whatever. He asks about E, work, my husband, etc.

Someone JUST asked me for my gyno recommendation. I went to the FB page so I could copy and paste the link in the email back and that's why I'm smiling. I'm seeing all these new babies they're posting pics of as new additions to the Comprehensive Women's Care Family. They put up new info, and they stay current. When we had the power outages after Sandy, they were seeing patients by candlelight and I knew they were open because they posted it on their FB page. It's just cool to be able to communicate with the doctor's office like that. I saw the post, asked if I could come in and they said yes. It was the equivalent of sending a text. I think that's pretty cool.

Anyway- while I was thinking nice thoughts about my doctor's office, I thought I'd get it down and give them a shout-out.

Here's their FB page-

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