No Littering PLEASE. No Smoking PLEASE. Remember when they actually had to tell you not to smoke? I can't even imagine what people would do if someone just lit up a cigarette in a movie theater. They'd flip out for sure. Because it's gross and rude. And illegal. Yet, people do a host of truly appalling things at the movies and while none of it is illegal, it's RUDE. Or whatever the word would be for worse than rude.
As I was leaving the movie theater last night I said to B that I was going to write this entry and get a TON of feedback. Feedback AGREEING with me. Yet SOMEONE, MANY someones, are committing these *crimes* against humanity so before you go agreeing with me, make sure it's not you too!!
I'm talking about movie theater etiquette. Is there such a thing? Not that I've seen. Not since cell phones became a staple for every person from tweens to seniors.
Every single time we go to the movies something ridiculous happens. We went to see the movie World Trade Center in 2006. An emotional movie, to say the least. As the TOWERS ARE COMING DOWN, in the movie, the lady next to B ANSWERED HER CELL PHONE. TWICE. He literally grabbed her leg and told her to hang up the phone. She got all huffy and said- "SORRY! I'M NOT PERFECT!". Ok. Well, it would be perfect if you would just not answer your phone in the movie theater.
I don't know. I thought movies were supposed to be an escape of sorts. Unless you're a brain surgeon on call, I really don't know why you can't turn it on vibrate, put it in your pocket and forget about it until the credits come on. I keep mine on vibrate, in my lap, under a napkin so the light won't bother anyone, and that's just to make sure the babysitter isn't texting me. One of my sitters took Ethan outside and locked herself out when we were at a movie, so once that has happened, I like to be somewhat reachable. But not for Facebook or texting! If I want to Facebook or text during a movie, I'll stay home! WHAT IS THAT IMPORTANT DURING A MOVIE??
Stein, B and I waited and waited to see the first Sex and the City movie. Pre-E, living in Englewood, my favorite theater was Edgewater. We waited on a ridiculously long line and we were like the first people. We got awesome seats, were so excited and it was packed. Of course, in front of us are a group of women, of undetermined ethnicity, ON THE PHONE, MID-MOVIE, in another language. Just chatting away like they were in their own living room. B was kicking their chairs and I am telling them to shut up. The one just looked at us and raised her arms as if to say, "What? What's the big deal?". And these are ADULTS. Baffling and infuriating. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR CONVERSATION ANYWHERE, let alone THE MOVIE THEATER.
This brings me to last night's movie. I'm sure there were many more examples I could give but I can't come up with them off the top of my head right now. Granted, this particular movie was kind of a real male bonding, testosterone heavy flick. On my right I had what looked like Ronnie from Jersey Shore, his dad and dad's friends that looked like Johnny Sak from Sopranos. In front of me I had the Alpha Betas from Revenge of the Nerds, and next to me, what looked to be a normal couple. If I gave you a trivia question of who would be the a-hole in this movie scenario, who do you think it would be? Well, if you said either the frat brothers in front of me or the Pauly D's next to me, you'd be 1/3 right. Because the major problem was the tool couple next to B.
The guy came in and said something rude about B's drink being in the wrong armrest. Then they talked and laughed through most of the first half. Finally B said something nice, I said, "SHUT UP SHUT UP", again, as I tend to rage like that when people ruin my movie experience, and they did not shut up. I didn't know it, but then B also spent the rest of the movie waiting for the guy to sucker punch him so he was all geared up to end up in a fight. My forty-four year old, 5'8, 150 lb husband, is all cocked and ready to pounce all because of PTSD from a high school sucker punch. Apparently he always had a loud-mouth girl on his arm causing trouble for him. Anyway- point being, he's scrappy and he was ready. Good thing it didn't come to that.
B hit me on the arm like five minutes later to show me that the male part of the couple was pouring VODKA into his soda from a FULL BOTTLE OF BELVEDERE. These were not children! Who the hell comes to the movies to get sloshed? Maybe I'm old, or just really like my movies sober, but I can't even imagine wanting to get drunk after paying $16 a ticket to go to the theater. Again, that's SOMETHING YOU CAN DO AT HOME. And just...WHY?? It's not like watching Pink Floyd's The Wall! Or some other movie you watch for the express purpose of getting fucked up to watch it. I could even see if it was the frat guys who were drinking. Because that's what frat guys do. But a couple? On a Sunday night date? I felt like I was in an alternate universe.
But the frat guys aren't off the hook either. Two of them were texting significantly. I know you may not *think* it's annoying, but it totally is. You SEE the light out of the corner of your eyes. I could READ their stupid texts because in stadium seating, they're sitting below me. No one cares, bro, what you're doing tomorrow and whether or not you're going back to the mall or a different mall.
I'm the most wired, plugged in person I know. I'm ALWAYS online. I'm usually watching tv, on FB, reading magazines, and reading message board posts all at the same time. But I'm IN MY HOUSE when I'm doing all that at once. I'm only annoying my husband, not a hundred other people, strangers, in a place where I have no business doing so.
Next time you go to the movies, look around. Notice there *are* other people sitting around you. People that maybe haven't been able to get out to a movie in months or a year. People who are paying babysitters as much money as it cost to see a movie and get some treats. People who want to be able to hear, get lost in a story, and ESCAPE for two to three hours. Recognize that you aren't that important & that Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will all still be there by the time the movie ends. You aren't missing ANYTHING, except the movie, when you text, Facebook or TALK on the phone or to the person next to you, during the film. If you're that worried about what is going on in the rest of the world for the short amount of time you're in the theater, you need to be texting a good therapist instead of your bros, hos, etc.
Thank you for coming & enjoy the show!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
The Honey Pot
Yes, that's the real name of the place I'm about to tell you about- The Honey Pot. It's not just a clever blog entry name to get people to open it.
I get inundated with emails from Groupon, Living Social, and Amazon Local. Half the time, I don't know which is which and most of the time I don't open them. UNLESS, the subject line says Botox or Brazilian Waxing. Because I'm always willing to at least entertain a deal on either one of those.
I said I'd go back to my original waxer. And I probably will, sometime. But a few months ago I went to European Wax Center in Wyckoff and reviewed that in my entry Bare Chuckalina :
And it was fine. Not blow-your-mind-great though. But what stuck with me was the stripless wax they use. It was SO much LESS painful than the wax done with cloth strips. The thought of going back to strips just paralyzes me from making an appointment with my prior wax lady. The pain is terrible. She thinks I'm a wuss but it really hurts. Especially in comparison to stripless.
So I opened up Amazon Local to find a 1/2 off deal for a Brazilian at The Honey Pot. I normally wouldn't consider Mahwah because it just seems far from me. With traffic, it could take me over a half hour to get to some parts. But then I thought, it could take me over thirty minutes to get to Fort Lee with traffic also. I knew it sounded familiar because my friend Cheryl had just recommended it to me not that long before I saw this deal. I just decided to buy it. It was $21 so I really couldn't beat that to try a new place. I'm not that keen on getting naked for just anyone to cause pain in my nether region but I did need to find another option to start going on the regular.
I bought the deal in either October or the first week in November and I thought it was expiring in January. I realized it was almost January and I hadn't made an appointment. I knew I had a babysitter coming so I just bit the bullet and called. I have to make note of one thing too- the person who answered the phone there was the most friendly, chipper, receptionist I think I've ever encountered. Sadly, you almost expect someone to be kind of rude and unfriendly when you're making an appointment anywhere. Or maybe that's just E's doctor's offices. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by the lovely phone reception.
I was a little apprehensive pulling in because it looks like a house. A residential house. But I walked in and it was super clean, neat, and warm. There were candles lit and smelled nice. I don't think I waited more than a minute before my "wax technician" (I just made that up but that might be what they call themselves) was ready for me. Her name is also Tara. Now, Cheryl recommended Tara. When I called, I was going to see if I could get an appointment with her but then I had a panic moment thinking maybe that's not her name. So I just made the appointment with whoever was going to be able to take me at the time I could go. But, it actually was Tara, coincidentally, who was to be my technician.
I think I got naked at 12:47p and I looked at the clock in the car as I was pulling out of the driveway and it was 1:07p. She did a really good job. MUCH better than the girl did at European Wax Center. When I left there, there were definite spots she missed. I just didn't know what they do or don't do since it had been so long since I'd been to anyone other than the person I'd been going to since 2003. But now that Tara did her thing, I see, the girl at EWS just didn't do it all, but should have. Tara was friendly, quick, and efficient. She really didn't cause much pain, and trust me, she could have. I highly recommend her and I will be coming back.
Their prices are really reasonable. A full Brazilian is $42. I've seen and had them upwards of $75. I wouldn't do it again at $75 and that was at Completely Bare in NYC but $42 is a really good price. They do waxing on both women and men and they also do different kinds of facials that don't exceed $100. The highest priced wax is $60 for a full leg but I think that's on par with any other spa I've been to in the area. I'm pretty sure I've done a Brazilian and a full leg at a local spa and it cost me somewhere between $125-$150.
It was also pretty easy to get an appointment, only calling the day before. Maybe people are waiting until this Monday or Tuesday to get their New Years wax on but The Honey Pot IS closed on Sunday and Monday. So if NYE is what you want to be bare for, you best get in there by tomorrow!
I get inundated with emails from Groupon, Living Social, and Amazon Local. Half the time, I don't know which is which and most of the time I don't open them. UNLESS, the subject line says Botox or Brazilian Waxing. Because I'm always willing to at least entertain a deal on either one of those.
I said I'd go back to my original waxer. And I probably will, sometime. But a few months ago I went to European Wax Center in Wyckoff and reviewed that in my entry Bare Chuckalina :
And it was fine. Not blow-your-mind-great though. But what stuck with me was the stripless wax they use. It was SO much LESS painful than the wax done with cloth strips. The thought of going back to strips just paralyzes me from making an appointment with my prior wax lady. The pain is terrible. She thinks I'm a wuss but it really hurts. Especially in comparison to stripless.
So I opened up Amazon Local to find a 1/2 off deal for a Brazilian at The Honey Pot. I normally wouldn't consider Mahwah because it just seems far from me. With traffic, it could take me over a half hour to get to some parts. But then I thought, it could take me over thirty minutes to get to Fort Lee with traffic also. I knew it sounded familiar because my friend Cheryl had just recommended it to me not that long before I saw this deal. I just decided to buy it. It was $21 so I really couldn't beat that to try a new place. I'm not that keen on getting naked for just anyone to cause pain in my nether region but I did need to find another option to start going on the regular.
I bought the deal in either October or the first week in November and I thought it was expiring in January. I realized it was almost January and I hadn't made an appointment. I knew I had a babysitter coming so I just bit the bullet and called. I have to make note of one thing too- the person who answered the phone there was the most friendly, chipper, receptionist I think I've ever encountered. Sadly, you almost expect someone to be kind of rude and unfriendly when you're making an appointment anywhere. Or maybe that's just E's doctor's offices. Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised by the lovely phone reception.
I was a little apprehensive pulling in because it looks like a house. A residential house. But I walked in and it was super clean, neat, and warm. There were candles lit and smelled nice. I don't think I waited more than a minute before my "wax technician" (I just made that up but that might be what they call themselves) was ready for me. Her name is also Tara. Now, Cheryl recommended Tara. When I called, I was going to see if I could get an appointment with her but then I had a panic moment thinking maybe that's not her name. So I just made the appointment with whoever was going to be able to take me at the time I could go. But, it actually was Tara, coincidentally, who was to be my technician.
I think I got naked at 12:47p and I looked at the clock in the car as I was pulling out of the driveway and it was 1:07p. She did a really good job. MUCH better than the girl did at European Wax Center. When I left there, there were definite spots she missed. I just didn't know what they do or don't do since it had been so long since I'd been to anyone other than the person I'd been going to since 2003. But now that Tara did her thing, I see, the girl at EWS just didn't do it all, but should have. Tara was friendly, quick, and efficient. She really didn't cause much pain, and trust me, she could have. I highly recommend her and I will be coming back.
Their prices are really reasonable. A full Brazilian is $42. I've seen and had them upwards of $75. I wouldn't do it again at $75 and that was at Completely Bare in NYC but $42 is a really good price. They do waxing on both women and men and they also do different kinds of facials that don't exceed $100. The highest priced wax is $60 for a full leg but I think that's on par with any other spa I've been to in the area. I'm pretty sure I've done a Brazilian and a full leg at a local spa and it cost me somewhere between $125-$150.
It was also pretty easy to get an appointment, only calling the day before. Maybe people are waiting until this Monday or Tuesday to get their New Years wax on but The Honey Pot IS closed on Sunday and Monday. So if NYE is what you want to be bare for, you best get in there by tomorrow!
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Bid Up A Storm
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Friday, December 20, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Lyrically Messaged
Possibly controversial thought of the day:
I will preface this by saying I am not a big fan of rap OR country music. I know very little about both. My previously strong dislike of country music has been lessened a bit by my love of the show Nashville. And there is some mainstream pop/rap I enjoy. So I'm not even "for" or "against" either. I'm just making an observation.
What I do know is that there is always issue with rap lyrics, censorship, and general problem with the subject matter that gets enough attention where I'm aware of it without being a listener. Yet, I've NEVER heard about country song lyrics being inappropriate. Yet, the few songs I've heard are about destruction of property for cheating, smoking, shooting, and lots of drinking. Whole songs about Whiskey. That kids seem to be encouraged to listen to.
Now, I'm the LAST person to chastise anyone for what is or isn't inappropriate kid listening music. My kid is REALLY into Pitbull right now. Enough said. My thoughts on this whole subject came up because I was watching a piece on GMA this morning. They showed a little girl whose Make A Wish Foundation wish was to meet Luke Bryan and he was singing with her. The words they were singing were: Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky. He'd sing one line and she sang the next. When SHE sang the word "frisky" Luke Bryan and her family laughed. Cute, right? I don't know. No it isn't awful & I certainly wouldn't have a problem with E listening to it. E was singing Ke$ha's "I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack" when he was two and a half. He wasn't old enough to know or even ask what Jack actually IS and I'm just not that caught up in what that would mean to him. I'm also not conservative at all and song lyrics don't happen to be my hill to die on. I was just surprised at this little Luke Bryan/little girl duet. It's a morning show, it's pretty much all supposed to be feel-good stuff in these human interest stories. It seemed early in the day for public whiskey and frisky. I stopped what I was doing to see how old of a kid this was singing with him. I just looked her up and she's eight years old. I used to be a camp counselor for eight year old girls. They're pretty astute. Is she not going to ask what whiskey is and how it's going to make someone frisky? It just seemed...odd. Odd for what I assume was supposed to be a cute morning show segment.
It just brought me back to an episode of American Idol when Skylar Laine was doing a cover of Gunpowder & Lead. I'd never heard it, of course, but I looked up from my computer, while she was singing, because I was like, "WHAT is she singing?? Did she just say something about smoking cigarettes and getting a shotgun? All while dancing and smiling?". I get that the song is about a woman whose boyfriend or husband hit her so she was taking care of it, in a "strong woman" type of way. Maybe it's supposed to be some kind of anthem. I don't know. I haven't investigated it. But the point is- she's saying she's a "six-pack in", going to light up a cigarette and then point a gun at him. And this ok. You dress up a high schooler cute, let her loose on stage, and have her sing this in an uptempo beat, and it's ok. It's more than ok. It's kick-ass YEAH, and everyone votes for her to advance in the competition. No one says a word about the subject matter. And again, *I* am ok with the subject matter. Well, in terms of not wanting to censor. I'll be the first WTF'ing that this is what makes a song and people like it but that's another story.
But I feel like if a boy or even a girl tried to sing some rap song with questionable lyrics it would some kind of scandal. Or it wouldn't even be allowed because it would be in "poor taste". Meanwhile, B and I were watching The Voice and this girl Shelby Z sang a song, with a good beat and hook, called- "Last Name". We were grooving along, never having heard it, when B asked me, "Is she singing about doing the Walk of Shame??" I started laughing, like I do, and said "Gosh Dang It (as Blake Shelton would say), I believe she is!". I mean, the song is CALLED "Last Name" and she's basically saying that she got drunk, went home with some strange guy, slept with him, and DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HIS LAST NAME. But it's wrapped up in a good voice, a good groove, and a hot girl singing it. No one bats an eye. They're clapping maniacally, showering her with compliments, never mentioning she was just singing about what might be called, in that rap music, as, being a ho.
It's like a sociology class I took in college. I remember, in my text book, it dissected song lyrics using "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. The book said that without the music, just reading it, it could or would be seen as dangerous. Stalking. But you put it to good music and it becomes a #1 hit, not something the real police need to be breaking down Sting's door about, worrying he has someone's head in his freezer. The book didn't say that head in the freezer part- that was me. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know why it's ok to sing about smoking, drinking, and anonymous sex like it's cool in one genre but not another. What IS it? Is it the more misogynistic lyrics in rap that is considered objectionable? I just see A LOT of kids at country music concerts, having country stars as idols, and that seems normal and dare I say, wholesome. But if a kid is seen at a Kanye show, or someone put their eight year old kid's favorite singer is Eminem, I'm pretty sure they'd get a huge side-eye. Is it the cursing? That whiskey and cigarettes aren't curse words, and they're not actually SAYING the WORD "sex" in the country song?
I'm not judging anyone. I don't care WHAT your kid listens to. I'm sure I get a daily side-eye for E loving Pitbull and even Mumford & Sons. Because in all honestly, a longtime favorite of his is Little Lion Man. He just sings, "I really MESSED it up this time" because he's good like that. And curse words don't bother me. Save for the one time, last year, when he mortified me by telling a friend's kid that F*#k is a bad word and not to say it ever- he's never said another curse word again. We've taught him the difference between words that are ok to say and words that aren't ok for him to say and luckily he gets it. Not all kids would get it but in this case, I can say my kid is pretty mature.
I'm just confused as to why the country music genre gets a pass on risqué lyrics. Maybe it's talked about. I guess I'll go Google. But if they're showing a little girl singing about whiskey and frisky with a country star, I'm guessing no one seems to have a problem with it. Or at least the mainstream majority. I'm not talking about hardcore extreme religious folk. Just the average American parent. Country music, much to my chagrin and surprise, is overtaking the entire country. I'm pretty sure I've read it's the most popular genre of music in the ENTIRE country. We even got a country music station locally in NY/NJ that people are kvelling over. It never even occurred to me that a country music station would be SO wanted up in these parts. Yet, it's hugely popular. And judging by my local friends Facebook pages, I know A LOT of country fans. People I'd have never guessed would've gone country. But I have an equal number of rapping soccer moms too. I just think those rap loving mama's would be judged for letting their kids listen along when the country loving moms would not.
Interesting, to say the least.
I will preface this by saying I am not a big fan of rap OR country music. I know very little about both. My previously strong dislike of country music has been lessened a bit by my love of the show Nashville. And there is some mainstream pop/rap I enjoy. So I'm not even "for" or "against" either. I'm just making an observation.
What I do know is that there is always issue with rap lyrics, censorship, and general problem with the subject matter that gets enough attention where I'm aware of it without being a listener. Yet, I've NEVER heard about country song lyrics being inappropriate. Yet, the few songs I've heard are about destruction of property for cheating, smoking, shooting, and lots of drinking. Whole songs about Whiskey. That kids seem to be encouraged to listen to.
Now, I'm the LAST person to chastise anyone for what is or isn't inappropriate kid listening music. My kid is REALLY into Pitbull right now. Enough said. My thoughts on this whole subject came up because I was watching a piece on GMA this morning. They showed a little girl whose Make A Wish Foundation wish was to meet Luke Bryan and he was singing with her. The words they were singing were: Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey, whiskey makes my baby feel a little frisky. He'd sing one line and she sang the next. When SHE sang the word "frisky" Luke Bryan and her family laughed. Cute, right? I don't know. No it isn't awful & I certainly wouldn't have a problem with E listening to it. E was singing Ke$ha's "I brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack" when he was two and a half. He wasn't old enough to know or even ask what Jack actually IS and I'm just not that caught up in what that would mean to him. I'm also not conservative at all and song lyrics don't happen to be my hill to die on. I was just surprised at this little Luke Bryan/little girl duet. It's a morning show, it's pretty much all supposed to be feel-good stuff in these human interest stories. It seemed early in the day for public whiskey and frisky. I stopped what I was doing to see how old of a kid this was singing with him. I just looked her up and she's eight years old. I used to be a camp counselor for eight year old girls. They're pretty astute. Is she not going to ask what whiskey is and how it's going to make someone frisky? It just seemed...odd. Odd for what I assume was supposed to be a cute morning show segment.
It just brought me back to an episode of American Idol when Skylar Laine was doing a cover of Gunpowder & Lead. I'd never heard it, of course, but I looked up from my computer, while she was singing, because I was like, "WHAT is she singing?? Did she just say something about smoking cigarettes and getting a shotgun? All while dancing and smiling?". I get that the song is about a woman whose boyfriend or husband hit her so she was taking care of it, in a "strong woman" type of way. Maybe it's supposed to be some kind of anthem. I don't know. I haven't investigated it. But the point is- she's saying she's a "six-pack in", going to light up a cigarette and then point a gun at him. And this ok. You dress up a high schooler cute, let her loose on stage, and have her sing this in an uptempo beat, and it's ok. It's more than ok. It's kick-ass YEAH, and everyone votes for her to advance in the competition. No one says a word about the subject matter. And again, *I* am ok with the subject matter. Well, in terms of not wanting to censor. I'll be the first WTF'ing that this is what makes a song and people like it but that's another story.
But I feel like if a boy or even a girl tried to sing some rap song with questionable lyrics it would some kind of scandal. Or it wouldn't even be allowed because it would be in "poor taste". Meanwhile, B and I were watching The Voice and this girl Shelby Z sang a song, with a good beat and hook, called- "Last Name". We were grooving along, never having heard it, when B asked me, "Is she singing about doing the Walk of Shame??" I started laughing, like I do, and said "Gosh Dang It (as Blake Shelton would say), I believe she is!". I mean, the song is CALLED "Last Name" and she's basically saying that she got drunk, went home with some strange guy, slept with him, and DOESN'T EVEN KNOW HIS LAST NAME. But it's wrapped up in a good voice, a good groove, and a hot girl singing it. No one bats an eye. They're clapping maniacally, showering her with compliments, never mentioning she was just singing about what might be called, in that rap music, as, being a ho.
It's like a sociology class I took in college. I remember, in my text book, it dissected song lyrics using "Every Breath You Take" by The Police. The book said that without the music, just reading it, it could or would be seen as dangerous. Stalking. But you put it to good music and it becomes a #1 hit, not something the real police need to be breaking down Sting's door about, worrying he has someone's head in his freezer. The book didn't say that head in the freezer part- that was me. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know why it's ok to sing about smoking, drinking, and anonymous sex like it's cool in one genre but not another. What IS it? Is it the more misogynistic lyrics in rap that is considered objectionable? I just see A LOT of kids at country music concerts, having country stars as idols, and that seems normal and dare I say, wholesome. But if a kid is seen at a Kanye show, or someone put their eight year old kid's favorite singer is Eminem, I'm pretty sure they'd get a huge side-eye. Is it the cursing? That whiskey and cigarettes aren't curse words, and they're not actually SAYING the WORD "sex" in the country song?
I'm not judging anyone. I don't care WHAT your kid listens to. I'm sure I get a daily side-eye for E loving Pitbull and even Mumford & Sons. Because in all honestly, a longtime favorite of his is Little Lion Man. He just sings, "I really MESSED it up this time" because he's good like that. And curse words don't bother me. Save for the one time, last year, when he mortified me by telling a friend's kid that F*#k is a bad word and not to say it ever- he's never said another curse word again. We've taught him the difference between words that are ok to say and words that aren't ok for him to say and luckily he gets it. Not all kids would get it but in this case, I can say my kid is pretty mature.
I'm just confused as to why the country music genre gets a pass on risqué lyrics. Maybe it's talked about. I guess I'll go Google. But if they're showing a little girl singing about whiskey and frisky with a country star, I'm guessing no one seems to have a problem with it. Or at least the mainstream majority. I'm not talking about hardcore extreme religious folk. Just the average American parent. Country music, much to my chagrin and surprise, is overtaking the entire country. I'm pretty sure I've read it's the most popular genre of music in the ENTIRE country. We even got a country music station locally in NY/NJ that people are kvelling over. It never even occurred to me that a country music station would be SO wanted up in these parts. Yet, it's hugely popular. And judging by my local friends Facebook pages, I know A LOT of country fans. People I'd have never guessed would've gone country. But I have an equal number of rapping soccer moms too. I just think those rap loving mama's would be judged for letting their kids listen along when the country loving moms would not.
Interesting, to say the least.
Monday, December 9, 2013
Take Your Top Off
The snow and/or ice, off the top of your car, that is. Nothing pisses me off more than flying ice. Both B and I drive Mini Coopers. So driving behind or on the side of your giant SUV, you probably don't really need, in inclement weather, with snow and ice flying, is like playing real life Asteroids. Yeah, I threw in an Atari reference. I'm old. If you can't reach the top- too bad. You should've thought of that before purchasing your ginormous tank. Let it run 45 min. Climb on it like a spider monkey. I don't care. Just get the hazardous elements off of it before you drive.
And apparently, I'm not the only one that thinks this because it's actually LAW. At least in NJ. You're not just being lazy, you could kill someone. So here's an "official" reminder:
And apparently, I'm not the only one that thinks this because it's actually LAW. At least in NJ. You're not just being lazy, you could kill someone. So here's an "official" reminder:
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Monday, December 2, 2013
Giving Back
I copied this from Volunteers of Bergen County, Inc. It's a great way to give back in the spirit of the season.
This is the donation page to adopt an individual or family for the holidays.
All Wrapped Up Holiday Giving Program
Information for Donors
Dear Friends:
The holiday season can be a joyous time for many people. However, for those living with illness, poverty or other hardships the holidays can be difficult.
How can you help? You can provide holiday cheer to
those in need through the 2013 All Wrapped Up Holiday Giving Program, including:
All families and individuals in the program have been referred to us by local non-profit and government agencies that have carefully screened them and confirmed the accuracy of their needs and requests.
If you wish to help either adopt a family or individual fill out our online form:
Once you have finished entering all of the information, click the "Submit Form" button on the bottom of the form. If you prefer, you can also print out the form and submit by fax or mail (see address and fax below). PLEASE SUBMIT INFORMATION BY ONE METHOD ONLY TO AVOID DUPLICATION.
Upon receipt of your form, we will contact you* by email with names and age of the individual or family members; a brief description of their circumstances; a wish list and/or gift ideas; and the name, address, phone and contact name at the referring agency. Upon receipt of the information, you should IMMEDIATELY contact the person at the referring agency to ask questions about the gift requests and to make arrangements to deliver the gifts to the agency.
NEW in 2013
PLEASE NOTE THAT BEGINNING IN 2013 GIFTS MUST NOT BE GIFT WRAPPED, unless otherwise noted on your forms. GIFT WRAPPED GIFTS WILL BE OPENED AND PLACED IN GIFT BAGS. Gifts may be placed in a gift bag with a card and the family name on it. Please do not put your address or other personal information on anything given to your match. Agency reps will have your information for Thank You letters.
If you have questions about the All Wrapped Up program, please don't hesitate to contact me at 201-489-9454 x118 or
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.
Debbie Emery, Director
Community Volunteer Services
*Our goal is to respond to donors within 72 hours of receiving their sign-up form. If you have not received an email from us after one week, please call the office to confirm that we have received your form.
| |||||
This is the donation page to adopt an individual or family for the holidays.
All Wrapped Up Holiday Giving Program

Information for Donors
Dear Friends:
The holiday season can be a joyous time for many people. However, for those living with illness, poverty or other hardships the holidays can be difficult.
How can you help? You can provide holiday cheer to
those in need through the 2013 All Wrapped Up Holiday Giving Program, including:
Adopt-a-Family: Families range in size from two people to large, extended families. If you adopt a family, we suggest that you purchase a supermarket gift certificate, an article of clothing for each member of the family and a toy or toys for the children. You should plan to spend approximately $50 per family member (but please note that this is only a guideline to help you plan - many donors spend far more and some do not spend as much.)
Heart to Heart: If your budget is small or you would like to concentrate your efforts on just one person, you have the option of "adopting" an individual through our Heart-to-Heart program. You may specify a child, adult, senior citizen or disabled individual. Requests for these individuals include food, clothing and gifts. Plan to spend approximately $50 for each individual that you "adopt."
Gift Card Donations: Many of the AWU recipients need assistance with food as well as gifts. We also do not always match all of the clients with a donor. Individuals or families left at the end of the program will receive a gift card for the holidays. Shoprite, Target, and Pathmark gift cards are needed.
Cash Contribution: Many individuals and families need assistance with food and utility bills, and many parents would cherish the opportunity to purchase gifts for their children themselves. Your cash contribution will be used to purchase gift certificates or pay utility bills.
All families and individuals in the program have been referred to us by local non-profit and government agencies that have carefully screened them and confirmed the accuracy of their needs and requests.
If you wish to help either adopt a family or individual fill out our online form:
Individuals click here
Groups or Companies click here
Once you have finished entering all of the information, click the "Submit Form" button on the bottom of the form. If you prefer, you can also print out the form and submit by fax or mail (see address and fax below). PLEASE SUBMIT INFORMATION BY ONE METHOD ONLY TO AVOID DUPLICATION.
Upon receipt of your form, we will contact you* by email with names and age of the individual or family members; a brief description of their circumstances; a wish list and/or gift ideas; and the name, address, phone and contact name at the referring agency. Upon receipt of the information, you should IMMEDIATELY contact the person at the referring agency to ask questions about the gift requests and to make arrangements to deliver the gifts to the agency.
NEW in 2013
PLEASE NOTE THAT BEGINNING IN 2013 GIFTS MUST NOT BE GIFT WRAPPED, unless otherwise noted on your forms. GIFT WRAPPED GIFTS WILL BE OPENED AND PLACED IN GIFT BAGS. Gifts may be placed in a gift bag with a card and the family name on it. Please do not put your address or other personal information on anything given to your match. Agency reps will have your information for Thank You letters.
If you have questions about the All Wrapped Up program, please don't hesitate to contact me at 201-489-9454 x118 or
Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season.
Debbie Emery, Director
Community Volunteer Services
*Our goal is to respond to donors within 72 hours of receiving their sign-up form. If you have not received an email from us after one week, please call the office to confirm that we have received your form.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I was up late as usual on November 13 and was also, of course, on Facebook. This whole paragraph about an "incident" at a new Wyckoff boutique came up in my newsfeed because someone I'm friended to is a fan of the boutique's FB page. The story was something about a sweatshirt in the window causing a whole scandal in that town. Now, me being...well, me, I was all interested and needed to know what's going on. I start investigating further.
Turns out the sweatshirt said "Shit Happens". And it was in the window. Sounds like someone, a woman, took a cell phone photo of it, and went nuts with it. Went to the Chamber of Commerce, then the POLICE. The POLICE. Over "Shit Happens" on a shirt. I felt the need to be involved. So I publicly supported the owner on her FB page and told her that I never heard of her place but now I can't wait to come in. And not to worry about the haters. That for any pearl-clutchers she may have lost, she'll gain double the new, cooler people. That I'd be in to check out her place after E's dance class the next day.
Turns out the sweatshirt said "Shit Happens". And it was in the window. Sounds like someone, a woman, took a cell phone photo of it, and went nuts with it. Went to the Chamber of Commerce, then the POLICE. The POLICE. Over "Shit Happens" on a shirt. I felt the need to be involved. So I publicly supported the owner on her FB page and told her that I never heard of her place but now I can't wait to come in. And not to worry about the haters. That for any pearl-clutchers she may have lost, she'll gain double the new, cooler people. That I'd be in to check out her place after E's dance class the next day.
The owner is Christina and it turns out her store is actually IN the same building as Wyckoff School of Dance. It's right in the front of the building, whereas the dance school is in the back. Christina said she just got her sign even though she's been open almost five months. Permits. I know ALL about that stuff. Her sign is huge & red now, but if you were just going to the dance school, and coming from the Boulder Run/Dairy Queen side, you might miss it. There's that huge sign that juts out that has the names of all the businesses in that building, blocking view of the front as you come up Franklin. But you can see it if you're coming down Franklin from the other side.

After E's dance class on Saturday morning, I had time to kill so we walked around to the front to check out the store. She opens at 11a, so that was convenient. It's a decent sized store with a good amount of inventory. She has really cool, fun and funky costume jewelry and some more expensive pieces. I prefer the costume stuff personally. Evil eye bracelets, rings, sparkly stuff. Perfect for tweens, teens and me. There aren't many boutiques for trendy, edgy stuff in the area. There aren't any in Glen Rock, no others I know of in the immediate area. Nothing like this kind of stuff. Yes there are boutiques, and places that sell clothing and accessories, but not like this. I'd say the closest are a two I can think of in Ridgewood. I don't think there are any others in Wyckoff. At least I haven't seen or been told of any. Androgyny is definitely a welcome addition.
I like that it's more of a one-of-a-kind type place. I don't know the labels on her merchandise but it is definitely of the more unique variety. Every third person isn't wearing the same shirt you bought there. She also has a vintage video game machine. E played Pac Man there for the first time ever. He also liked the old-school game machine. He recognized what it was from Wreck It Ralph.
Christina is really nice, friendly and she looks trendy. The kind of girl you expect to see as the owner. In her 20's and edgy. She isn't pretentious and she was happy to chat and make us feel welcome. A minivan of teens with a mom chaperone came in while I was there and I was happy to see it. I own a small business too and I know how hard it is to carve out your niche. And it can't be easy when people are trying to take you down for a "Shit Happens" sweatshirt displayed. She wasn't even fighting it. The person didn't come in and ask her to take it down. The offended party just immediately went to the police, the Chamber and social media. It sounded like a witch hunt to me. Before Facebook and Instagram, if you had a problem, you had to actually take it up with someone personally. Now, you don't like something, you just go on the attack with social media and your complaints get traction. Well, sometimes that works for good- like in discrimination cases. And sometimes it works for evil. Like when someone gets their panties in a bunch about a curse word and tries to ruin someone's new small business. Come on. Give the girl a chance!
So check out Androgyny in Wyckoff. Especially now, for gifts. If you have tweens and teens and have no idea what to get them, pick up some unique, blingy jewelry or maybe she has gift certificates. I saw some fun scarves, sweatshirts, T's, etc.
291 Franklin Ave, Wyckoff, NJ 07481
(201) 485-8577
- Hours: Monday 11am-4pm, Tuesday-Friday, 11am-7pm; Saturday 11am-6pm
Thursday, November 21, 2013
WGIRLS Hope for the Holidays
Sponsor the Holiday Wish of a Child in Need!
Sponsor the Holiday Wish of a Child in Need. Your tax deductible donation of $35 dollars or more will cover the costs of toys and clothing for a child in the Head Start Program! The WGIRLS will purchase, wrap and distribute your gifts to a child living below the poverty line in NYC. Learn more about the Head Start Program at Bank Street!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Light the Menorah
There's no Menurky, but there is now a Menorah!
Some of my favorite people worked really hard on
getting this to happen. The celebration has finally
come to fruition. Please come out in fun & support!

Menorah Lighting
Wednesday, November 27th
at 5:30 P.M.
Memorial Park at Van Neste Square in Ridgewood
There will be music and refreshments.
Come and celebrate this
joyous occasion!
Some of my favorite people worked really hard on
getting this to happen. The celebration has finally
come to fruition. Please come out in fun & support!
Join the Village of Ridgewood and the
Jewish Community of Ridgewood for the 1st Annual

Menorah Lighting
Wednesday, November 27th
at 5:30 P.M.
Memorial Park at Van Neste Square in Ridgewood
There will be music and refreshments.
Come and celebrate this
joyous occasion!
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Make Reservations
Trying to go out of the house to eat dinner anywhere in Bergen County, specifically the Paramus area on down to Riverside Square (or whatever it's called now- Shops At Riverside?) is actually comical. You have to have that shit down to a science. And I thought I did, and I also thought I could spit in the face of all I know this past Saturday night.
We went to a nursery school Havdalah program at the temple which was 5:30p-6:30p. But it actually ended a little early. B and I LOVE Houstons so he asked if I wanted to eat there. Now, everyone knows that Houstons usually has at least an hour wait even at an off time, but if you know your way around it, you can usually figure out how to get in quickly. Plus, McCormick & Schmick's was next door. They did well taking the overflow from Houstons. I could eat there if need be. They closed but a new fish restaurant was supposed to have opened "Fall 2013" so I assumed they were open already. That would leave SIX restaurants to try to get into. There was no way we wouldn't be able to get into ANY, right??
If you go to Houstons during the week, if you get there before 6:15p, you're looking at 0-20 minutes. WELL...I was just pretending that none of this waiting nonsense was going to be an issue because I wanted their grilled salmon something fierce. Yeah, we got there at 6:37p and,"75-90 minute wait", we were told with a sincere smile. I didn't think that one was going to work out. But B put our name in.
Then we had the brilliant idea to just put our name in almost all the restaurants and take whatever one called us first. So we walked over to Cheesecake factory- 60-75 minutes. Then on over to Maggiano's- TWO HOURS. But, we did know someone working there. My friend Jenn's brother was there. We thought we had an in! We put our name in there. Houstons and Maggiano's have these awesome new systems where they can text you instead of having to stick close with their buzzing pager. While I was putting our name into Maggiano's, I sent B off with Ethan to PF Changs. They gave him a pager, which I added to the one from Cheesecake Factory in my bag. After I took a photo of the pagers and my phone just to immortalize the silliness of the whole thing.
We had to sit somewhere to wait so we picked outside of Cheesecake Factory since they had the shortest wait. I thought my friend's brother would be able to make some magic happen but that would be via text so we could sit anywhere waiting for that call.
Ding ding ding! At 8p, we had a winner. Cheesecake it was to be. I really wanted Houstons- I was jonesing for their grilled salmon and their house salad. But it looks like we're going to have to do the early bird special at like 5-5:30p if we ever want to eat there on a Saturday night again. Granted, it was the Bloomies Friends & Family sale that weekend so the mall could've been crazy due to that, but honestly, I think it's just Bergen County. It gets more and more crowded with every condo added. And they keep adding up. So I think we just have a ridiculous surplus of people. And apparently they're hungry.
By the way- 8:55p I got a text from Maggiano's saying our table was ready and B got the Houstons text at 9p. Yeah, no. We were just leaving Cheesecake then. Laughing at those texts. I can't imagine anyone would seriously wait that long unless they were on a date and drinking at the bar at either place, with time to kill and no small children. Or, they just REALLY love chain food.
There's not much of a point to this post besides the comedy of having a bag full of hopeful dinner reservations - either in the form of awaiting text message or pager. Personally, I'm loving the texting systems and think those pagers should be eliminated completely. It's antiquated and annoying to have to stay so close to the restaurant when it's in a mall and you can at least walk around the mall. It's better for the mall as a whole if people feel like they can walk around the mall and shop without losing their precious reservation.
If it was just B and I, we could've eaten at the bar at Morton's. We've done that before. We still had to get there by 6:30-7p to be able to eat but it was fine. We just weren't doing that with E. He doesn't need Morton's and the bar area isn't exactly the most kid friendly. They don't even HAVE butter knives there. It's the weirdest thing. They only give you steak knives. They only HAVE steak knives to give. I'm not giving my four year old any knives, but only having steak knives is a good indication they aren't really kid-friendly.
Another interesting observation was all the ridiculously expensive cars that were parked outside the mall. We saw a Lamborghini outside Mortons. It used to be that a Mercedes was a status symbol. Now, no one would even notice your paltry Mercedes because at Riverside, chances are high you will be parked next to a Maybach or a Maserati. Hello, people? You're still in a MALL. A busy mall in the Paramus/Hackensack area. Maybe people who have money to burn like that don't mind paying to get a ding out of their car? I don't know. I was going to take a picture of the Lamborghini as we went by but there was a guy outside wearing a diamond encrusted pinkie ring, smoking a cigarette, that it looked like it could belong to. I didn't want him to get all Sean Penn on the paparazzi on me so I erred on the side of caution. But really? You take your shit car to the mall. The spaces at Riverside are made for Smart Cars, not for cars you don't want getting messed up. Half the time people take up two spaces there because the spots are so narrow. I don't know if they're there because they need to show off or what. But it seems so ridiculous to be driving sports cars meant for speed when you can go about one mile an hour in Rt 4 or Rt 17 traffic on a Saturday evening.
All in all, the evening was fine. We got in to eat by 8p, E was fine- he rolls with the punches. He doesn't even like food. Because it was so late, he actually ate. The key to getting him to eat, obviously, is starving him till he's hungry enough. He's used to going out to dinner. We have gone out just about every Saturday night for dinner with him since he was born. We had crayons, paper, and B's cell phone. We were totally prepared. Maybe because we were so hungry, the food tasted like the BEST MEAL EVER. My Cheesecake Factory grilled salmon was perfect as was my strawberry shortcake dessert. We just won't be going there again on a weekend unless it's before 6p. Or I will try to make a reservation.
We went to a nursery school Havdalah program at the temple which was 5:30p-6:30p. But it actually ended a little early. B and I LOVE Houstons so he asked if I wanted to eat there. Now, everyone knows that Houstons usually has at least an hour wait even at an off time, but if you know your way around it, you can usually figure out how to get in quickly. Plus, McCormick & Schmick's was next door. They did well taking the overflow from Houstons. I could eat there if need be. They closed but a new fish restaurant was supposed to have opened "Fall 2013" so I assumed they were open already. That would leave SIX restaurants to try to get into. There was no way we wouldn't be able to get into ANY, right??
If you go to Houstons during the week, if you get there before 6:15p, you're looking at 0-20 minutes. WELL...I was just pretending that none of this waiting nonsense was going to be an issue because I wanted their grilled salmon something fierce. Yeah, we got there at 6:37p and,"75-90 minute wait", we were told with a sincere smile. I didn't think that one was going to work out. But B put our name in.

We had to sit somewhere to wait so we picked outside of Cheesecake Factory since they had the shortest wait. I thought my friend's brother would be able to make some magic happen but that would be via text so we could sit anywhere waiting for that call.
Ding ding ding! At 8p, we had a winner. Cheesecake it was to be. I really wanted Houstons- I was jonesing for their grilled salmon and their house salad. But it looks like we're going to have to do the early bird special at like 5-5:30p if we ever want to eat there on a Saturday night again. Granted, it was the Bloomies Friends & Family sale that weekend so the mall could've been crazy due to that, but honestly, I think it's just Bergen County. It gets more and more crowded with every condo added. And they keep adding up. So I think we just have a ridiculous surplus of people. And apparently they're hungry.
By the way- 8:55p I got a text from Maggiano's saying our table was ready and B got the Houstons text at 9p. Yeah, no. We were just leaving Cheesecake then. Laughing at those texts. I can't imagine anyone would seriously wait that long unless they were on a date and drinking at the bar at either place, with time to kill and no small children. Or, they just REALLY love chain food.
There's not much of a point to this post besides the comedy of having a bag full of hopeful dinner reservations - either in the form of awaiting text message or pager. Personally, I'm loving the texting systems and think those pagers should be eliminated completely. It's antiquated and annoying to have to stay so close to the restaurant when it's in a mall and you can at least walk around the mall. It's better for the mall as a whole if people feel like they can walk around the mall and shop without losing their precious reservation.
If it was just B and I, we could've eaten at the bar at Morton's. We've done that before. We still had to get there by 6:30-7p to be able to eat but it was fine. We just weren't doing that with E. He doesn't need Morton's and the bar area isn't exactly the most kid friendly. They don't even HAVE butter knives there. It's the weirdest thing. They only give you steak knives. They only HAVE steak knives to give. I'm not giving my four year old any knives, but only having steak knives is a good indication they aren't really kid-friendly.
Another interesting observation was all the ridiculously expensive cars that were parked outside the mall. We saw a Lamborghini outside Mortons. It used to be that a Mercedes was a status symbol. Now, no one would even notice your paltry Mercedes because at Riverside, chances are high you will be parked next to a Maybach or a Maserati. Hello, people? You're still in a MALL. A busy mall in the Paramus/Hackensack area. Maybe people who have money to burn like that don't mind paying to get a ding out of their car? I don't know. I was going to take a picture of the Lamborghini as we went by but there was a guy outside wearing a diamond encrusted pinkie ring, smoking a cigarette, that it looked like it could belong to. I didn't want him to get all Sean Penn on the paparazzi on me so I erred on the side of caution. But really? You take your shit car to the mall. The spaces at Riverside are made for Smart Cars, not for cars you don't want getting messed up. Half the time people take up two spaces there because the spots are so narrow. I don't know if they're there because they need to show off or what. But it seems so ridiculous to be driving sports cars meant for speed when you can go about one mile an hour in Rt 4 or Rt 17 traffic on a Saturday evening.
All in all, the evening was fine. We got in to eat by 8p, E was fine- he rolls with the punches. He doesn't even like food. Because it was so late, he actually ate. The key to getting him to eat, obviously, is starving him till he's hungry enough. He's used to going out to dinner. We have gone out just about every Saturday night for dinner with him since he was born. We had crayons, paper, and B's cell phone. We were totally prepared. Maybe because we were so hungry, the food tasted like the BEST MEAL EVER. My Cheesecake Factory grilled salmon was perfect as was my strawberry shortcake dessert. We just won't be going there again on a weekend unless it's before 6p. Or I will try to make a reservation.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sing like an Aardvark Winter Semester
Need a Mommy & Me activity?
I got an email from Music for Aardvarks:
We hope you are having a wonderful Fall! We want to let you know that our Winter Semester Schedule is now available on our website.
Click Here to view it!
We hope you can join us for another great semester of family music and movement in Waldwick, Glen Rock, and Park Ridge. Please email us if you have any questions, we'll see ya' soon!
I got an email from Music for Aardvarks:
We hope you are having a wonderful Fall! We want to let you know that our Winter Semester Schedule is now available on our website.
Click Here to view it!
We hope you can join us for another great semester of family music and movement in Waldwick, Glen Rock, and Park Ridge. Please email us if you have any questions, we'll see ya' soon!
Announcing our 2014 Winter Schedule!!
- Winter semester will begin on Monday, January 6th, and run for ten weeks (through mid-March)
- Registration opens for families not currently enrolled on Black Friday, November 29th at 9am, on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Many classes fill quickly, be sure to register early to guarantee your spot!
- Tuition for Winter semester is $250, but is discounted to $235 if you register on November 29th (discount expires at midnight!)
- Tuition for siblings enrolled in the same class is $150.
- If you have not registered for a class before, please create an account here before November 29th.
A Hum Music | 175 Rock Rd. | Glen Rock, NJ 07452
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Friday, November 15, 2013
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Tickets are now on sale for The Harlem Wizards!! See The Wizards play against a team of Glen Rock teachers and community leaders, including Dr. Weber, Mayor John van Keuren, Officer Matt Stanislao, and Francesca's Owner Sal Reina. Enter for a chance to win a basketball signed by future Hall of Famer and Brooklyn Nets Head Coach Jason Kidd, and to participate in a halftime free throw contest.
Tickets purchased before the event are $12 for general admission. A limited number of reserved seats in the first two rows of the bleachers are available for $25 each. A small number of VIP court side seats are on sale for $50 each, and include a meet-and-greet with the Wizards, a free giveaway and dinner of pizza and a drink.
Ticket order forms are available at, or by emailing Maria van Duffelen at General admission tickets are also available at Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door the night of the event for $15 per person.
For more information, visit the Byrd HSA website at
Tickets purchased before the event are $12 for general admission. A limited number of reserved seats in the first two rows of the bleachers are available for $25 each. A small number of VIP court side seats are on sale for $50 each, and include a meet-and-greet with the Wizards, a free giveaway and dinner of pizza and a drink.
Ticket order forms are available at, or by emailing Maria van Duffelen at General admission tickets are also available at Any remaining tickets will be sold at the door the night of the event for $15 per person.
For more information, visit the Byrd HSA website at
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Where For Art Thou Ricky?!
Where is Ricky? "Richardo O'Gorman", you have like a two hundred mom-mob searching, desperately, for you to cut their kids hair.
Ricky worked at Rita's Snips for Pips in Ridgewood. He is really good with all the kids and I'll go out on a limb and say he was pretty much the favorite in Bergen County for kids cuts.
I'll be honest- I stopped going to Ricky for two reasons- one, Rita's is ridiculously expensive and Ricky was so precise with his haircutting that a haircut for a boy would take 30-45 minutes. My son's hair, while important to have a good stylin' cut, did not need that amount of attention. The cost- not his fault. The time...well, whatever. I just don't have that kind of time. Not when my son needs a haircut every 4-6 weeks.
BUT, my kid never had a problem sitting for a haircut. He likes it. No sensory issues, no haircut fear, nothing. For kids who have issues getting their haircut, apparently, Ricky is a god-send. He is careful, patient, engages the kids, has a special key chain with a million things on it to get their attention off their haircut, and I've never seen a kid cry while in Ricky's care.
There are hundreds of moms, literally, FREAKING OUT, that Ricky is gone from Rita's and nowhere to be found. It's become the Where's Waldo? of kid-cutting. "WHERE'S RICKY?"
Moms are stalking his extracurricular activities to find him and won't stop till they do. He's been found on Twitter but by the looks of his account, he's not much of a social media fiend. For anyone interested though, his Twitter handle is Dagudlif3
They're coming for you Ricky! With all these clients, you can open your own place. You're just going to have to cut down the time on those haircuts or you'll be working 24 hour days.
If anyone has any information on Ricky's whereabouts, please put the information in my comments section below. Or the next step is putting Ricky's picture on a milk carton.
They want YOU Ricky and ONLY you. Once they find you, you will have customers for life. Even if you have to cut hair at your kitchen table. Maybe you should look into purchasing one of those plane chairs. And a DVD player. They need the DVD player. Just FYI...
Update: THERE IS NONE. People are still looking for Ricky and I have no answers. And Elle Hall- I can't find you on FB- you're like, on lockdown- so find me in case there is an update.
PLEASE PASS THIS ENTRY ON so the moms looking for Ricky can get some PEACE!
Ricky worked at Rita's Snips for Pips in Ridgewood. He is really good with all the kids and I'll go out on a limb and say he was pretty much the favorite in Bergen County for kids cuts.
I'll be honest- I stopped going to Ricky for two reasons- one, Rita's is ridiculously expensive and Ricky was so precise with his haircutting that a haircut for a boy would take 30-45 minutes. My son's hair, while important to have a good stylin' cut, did not need that amount of attention. The cost- not his fault. The time...well, whatever. I just don't have that kind of time. Not when my son needs a haircut every 4-6 weeks.
BUT, my kid never had a problem sitting for a haircut. He likes it. No sensory issues, no haircut fear, nothing. For kids who have issues getting their haircut, apparently, Ricky is a god-send. He is careful, patient, engages the kids, has a special key chain with a million things on it to get their attention off their haircut, and I've never seen a kid cry while in Ricky's care.
There are hundreds of moms, literally, FREAKING OUT, that Ricky is gone from Rita's and nowhere to be found. It's become the Where's Waldo? of kid-cutting. "WHERE'S RICKY?"
Moms are stalking his extracurricular activities to find him and won't stop till they do. He's been found on Twitter but by the looks of his account, he's not much of a social media fiend. For anyone interested though, his Twitter handle is Dagudlif3
They're coming for you Ricky! With all these clients, you can open your own place. You're just going to have to cut down the time on those haircuts or you'll be working 24 hour days.
If anyone has any information on Ricky's whereabouts, please put the information in my comments section below. Or the next step is putting Ricky's picture on a milk carton.
They want YOU Ricky and ONLY you. Once they find you, you will have customers for life. Even if you have to cut hair at your kitchen table. Maybe you should look into purchasing one of those plane chairs. And a DVD player. They need the DVD player. Just FYI...
Update: THERE IS NONE. People are still looking for Ricky and I have no answers. And Elle Hall- I can't find you on FB- you're like, on lockdown- so find me in case there is an update.
PLEASE PASS THIS ENTRY ON so the moms looking for Ricky can get some PEACE!
Monday, November 11, 2013
In Memoriam: James Heaney
I'll be the first to say that I did not know James Heaney very well. But I'm going to tell you a story. I'm telling this story not because it's about me, or happened to me or whatever. I just want to get it out there, in my usual verbose perspective...I want people to feel the magnitude of how someone touched our lives and how to help his loved ones in this terrible time. Here's the story....
I was sick for like three weeks. It was a really long drawn out cold. On October 25th, there was going to be a Mini Cooper "Rally". We were invited by the sales guy who sold us the car and weren't going to go. It's where like hundreds of Mini Coopers drive together somewhere- this time it was the Warwick drive in movie theater. You have dinner at Mini, supplied by them, there is a car-dress up contest, then we all drive. But it used to be in warmer months so it was going to be dark by the time we actually left Mini and not good at all because it's hard to follow that way.
Let me back-track a little. Two weeks before the rally (Rally was 10/25/13), I ran into my neighbor, Sharon Sullivan-Heaney. We met Sharon and her husband James at the Progressive Dinner or Wine & Cheese night in town about five years ago. I'm pretty sure it was before Ethan. They're a few years younger than us, and were friends already with another neighbor couple or two we are friendly with from town. We really liked Sharon and James. Bryan thought Sharon was one of the funniest people he'd ever met. We'd only see them here and there over time because we're all busy. At some point I had Ethan, they still had no kids. Then the next or the next progressive dinner or some event we saw them. But whenever we did run into them, we'd gravitate toward hanging out with them for the duration of the evening. The last thing we saw them at, the four of us were the last to leave someone's house together.
I was sick for like three weeks. It was a really long drawn out cold. On October 25th, there was going to be a Mini Cooper "Rally". We were invited by the sales guy who sold us the car and weren't going to go. It's where like hundreds of Mini Coopers drive together somewhere- this time it was the Warwick drive in movie theater. You have dinner at Mini, supplied by them, there is a car-dress up contest, then we all drive. But it used to be in warmer months so it was going to be dark by the time we actually left Mini and not good at all because it's hard to follow that way.
Let me back-track a little. Two weeks before the rally (Rally was 10/25/13), I ran into my neighbor, Sharon Sullivan-Heaney. We met Sharon and her husband James at the Progressive Dinner or Wine & Cheese night in town about five years ago. I'm pretty sure it was before Ethan. They're a few years younger than us, and were friends already with another neighbor couple or two we are friendly with from town. We really liked Sharon and James. Bryan thought Sharon was one of the funniest people he'd ever met. We'd only see them here and there over time because we're all busy. At some point I had Ethan, they still had no kids. Then the next or the next progressive dinner or some event we saw them. But whenever we did run into them, we'd gravitate toward hanging out with them for the duration of the evening. The last thing we saw them at, the four of us were the last to leave someone's house together.
About two weeks before Oct 25, I ran into Sharon in the park. Totally odd because we both work full time but we happened to be off or I left early or whatever. No one else we knew were even there which was also kind of strange because it's "the" park. Everyone we know goes there. We ended up there an extra hour just to catch up and I told her that if she and James ever want to come over just for pizza night on a Saturday that would be cool...and it really seemed like it would. I REALLY like her. And with busy lives, you know, you can only make time for people you really want to spend time with. They are those kind of people.
Then we heard about this Mini thing. But we had plans to go to a party. I had Jordan, Sydney's sister lined up to babysit. It was going to be Jordan's first time staying alone, I thought she was looking forward to it, and I'd already cancelled on her the week before because E was sick. I still had a really bad cold though and I didn't want to go anywhere. THEN, James Heaney, Sharon's husband emailed me on FB. We were FB friends but never had any personal email communication. He was really into Mini, which I forgot. He was all geared up for this thing. He seemed to genuinely want us to go. He really pitched the rally, which I found kind of amusing- I don't know. I thought his Mini passion was funny. I'd had a Saturn for ten years before we got the first Mini in 2006 and Saturn people were like that too. I guess I like cars that have a real cult following. Bryan kind of wanted to go when we'd first heard of it but his interest had been waning because it was going to be so cold outside the night of the event.
BUT, here I'd seen Sharon, told her we should hang, her husband bothered to get in touch to make sure we knew about it and wanted to coordinate going together. I felt like I should put my money where my mouth is, decided to forget the party since we weren't sure it was even definitely happening, cancelled Jordan, and told James we'd go. We made a plan for them to meet us at our house and we'd go up together so we'd be next to each other for the movie. I think a day or two before the rally, James emailed me and said that Sharon couldn't go. She had a work meeting. James met us at our house, without Sharon but with the twins.
B and I were saying how impressed we were- James was so into this hobby of Mini and wants to share it with the girls that he's willing to take twin two and a half year olds by himself to this thing. I mean, anyone with kids knows that with just one, the worst hours are the "witching hours"- dinnertime through bedtime. Who really wants to take their kids out of the house at that time? After working a full day. James acted like it would be a breeze. We just shrugged and followed his lead, kind of thinking he was nuts but thinking maybe he knew something we didn't. And if he could do it with two kids, surely we could do it with one kid.
We got to Mini and James was playing with all the kids. He wasn't just "dealing" with his kids. He was chasing Ethan and this other boy, they were running and playing out in the cold on the grass. He'd gotten the girls to eat dinner, got them to the bathroom, all with minimal help and a smile on his face. He just seems like a really good dad, really HAPPY to be a dad.
It was too cold that night to really hang out- we finally made it to Warwick and we had to watch from the car, closed in. It was hard for him with both girls- they are the cutest kids ever but twins at two and a half are no joke. Amelia tried to touch every button on the dashboard of her dad's car. She was all over the place. Just thinking about it is still funny. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd figured out how to drive away. they didn't want to sit still and halfway through he said it was time to go- for them. So they left and that was that....It was Friday night, October 25th.
I was stressed out all week from then on because I was still sick, Bryan got re-sick, we were hoping E wouldn't get re-sick, and I was trying to prepare to go away. I was leaving for a four day trip the next morning. Thursday night, October 31st, I planned to go to bed early because I had 5-6 hours of driving alone to do on Friday. I checked Facebook ONE last time around 11:30ish. I saw all these photos posted by someone I don't know, in my feed, saying goodbye to his dear friend James Heaney. But there were many photos, with numerous people in them.
WHAT?? No, it must be someone else that passed in these photos. Maybe his father or brother or something. We were JUST WITH HIM. SO randomly. I hadn't seen them in like a year, I ran into Sharon, then we go with James to the Mini thing and now he's 36 and just GONE?? So I went to his page, her page, and yes, indeed, he had passed away. I was floored. It's not about me, but I couldn't even sleep. It was like in About Last Night when Demi Moore wants to talk to a sleeping Rob Lowe, going, "Dan...are you awake? Are you sleeping?" B was sleeping, I was supposed to be sleeping, and I had no one to confirm, deny, nothing. It felt totally surreal and I felt AWFUL for Sharon...and those sweet, beautiful girls whose dad just loved them to pieces. James died on Sunday Oct 27- two days after we were with him.
It's awful to say, but there are some people you hear of this happening to and you're not exactly surprised. Maybe they do some drugs, party a lot, work ridiculous hours in a high stress environment, are out of shape, have all kinds of health problems. This was not the kind of guy you'd think this would happen to- he was in what looked to be like in generally good shape, he was only 36...
And unfortunately, there are people you hear of stuff like this happening and you feel for their family, but don't feel THAT bad because they aren't stand-up people. James was not one of those.
He was sort of quiet. But quietly funny. He was super nice and when I think of him, I think of him with a smile. Playing with kids. I think of he and Sharon as one of those couples you like to be around because they showed a genuine affection for each other. They didn't bicker. At least in public. You know you know those couples who you want to retreat into your own skin because it's so uncomfortable to be around them. What struck us about them is that Sharon is one of the funniest people we encountered and he was her quieter, but still funny, partner in crime. I didn't even know they were together for so long. But it makes sense. It's like they were puzzle pieces that just fit. And that's just the perception of someone being around them together just a few times. But I've been around couples just a few times that I would expect to hear not long after that they'd divorced. Not them. They seemed truly happy and enjoying each other's time.
Sharon is going to need a lot of help. She didn't SAY she needs help. But anyone would need help in her situation. I don't know what kind of help she'll utilize and/or ask for. It's always weird when someone dies....People are around, making meals, trying to help, all in the beginning. But, then, as is human nature, people go back to their own lives. It's not a fault, it's just a testament to how resilient human beings are. Time does heal and life does go on. But, Sharon is in her 30's and their girls are only two and a half years old. They're going to need monetary help as anyone would in her situation of being a single working mom now. It's just a fact. I'm sure everyone wants to disrupt the girls lives as little as possible now and the only way to do that effectively is to make sure they have the money they need to keep life as normal as possible.
Some local/mutual friends have set up a donation site for them. I'm passing it on to get to as many people as possible. Please share it- share if from here, from my FB page, from my blog FB page...share, share, share. I want it everywhere. The goal on there is $10,000. I'd love to go to the page and see the goal hit as soon as possible. It would probably be a huge weight lifted from Sharon. There isn't much we can do to help, because there are very few words that can comfort at a time like this, but at least we can raise money! Nothing can bring James back, but we can bring some peace of mind.
Rest in peace James Heaney and peace and love to Sharon, Layne & Amelia, and all of James's friends and family.
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