By the way, I had my introduction to Eufora about ten years ago when I was given Eufora Pure Polish drops at the hair salon. I don't know why it's different than stuff you can get in a drugstore. But. It. IS. Compare to BioSilk or any of those other expensive salon formulas, but the Eufora drops are levels above. I couldn't wash my hair if I didn't have that to put in. They're amazing. So I already knew the Eufora brand wasn't just BS.
My lessening hair spot was merely something I've watched. Over time, it hasn't gotten worse but it hasn't gotten better either. It's like nineteen years later and it's pretty much the same. I just don't like it. And I don't want it to get worse if I can help it.
I have this area in the front, where I part my hair, that it's noticeable - at least to me! My hair is naturally a little wavy. But a frizz wave, not a nice wave. When it's straight, I feel like you can see right through my hair to my scalp. I have thin hairs but a lot of them. If I want my ponytail holder to stay in, I have to wind it three times. I have a skinny tail. Which unfortunately, is the only place I'm not happy to be skinny.

Some of that stuff is over the counter now, like Rogaine, but you need a prescription to take something like Propecia. And I tend to think of that stuff as for men. I'm not sure what it does or could do to a woman but it isn't bad enough that I would go those routes first. I figured, let me try this and see what happens.
I also ended up buying the thickening shampoo as well. So armed with both, I had hope. They both felt good on my scalp, so if nothing else, that was a plus. They're not priced any higher than other salon formulas.
I found that I didn't need a lot of the shampoo. It's not a big bottle for around $29 but it lasted me three months. I wash my hair two or three times a week. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but that's the average. Before you get all grossed out- I have very long hair and the ends get dry and split when I wash my hair too much. Ask any hairdresser worth their salt and they'll tell you not to wash your long, processed hair daily. So shut it. Don, my hairdresser, also told me that I don't need to wash the ends. The ends don't get dirty and they'll be fine with just the rinse through of the shampoo from my scalp/roots running down. I'm probably still using too much shampoo and it could last longer. He's obviously not trying to get me to overuse product so I buy more. So I trust him.
I used the products together for three months. I went to get my hair cut and colored the other day and asked Don if he saw a difference. He showed me the growth of the hairs. I thought I just had broken hair. It was the NEW growth. So while it's not like I became Teen Wolf, it's slowly but surely coming in. Which is fine- I don't need fast or even thick, because that's not my hair. I just want to feel like my scalp isn't visible.
I also want to add that I got colored last week too. Regular blond-ish highlights and pink/purple. Don used something from Eufora he didn't previously have and I totally feel like my hair is softer and less dry feeling.
There were some amazing before and after photos on the Eufora Facebook page with people who re-grew a whole bald patch back. A woman was able to get rid of a wig. I don't have any pics of me doing a Before & After because I just didn't think of it. Stupidly. But I did find the lady's photo I was just referencing. So see below. I feel like anyone with a thinning hair problem needs to know about this stuff. I get it at Salon Azano in Norwood. I like to support Don and his salon as much as I can. I have no idea what other salon might sell it.
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