I've never been in a hurry for him to do anything. I didn't push for him to crawl or walk. Very "Rita" of me- "Who needs their kid mobile?", I imagine she'd say. She also did actually say- "Once they talk you can't blame anything on them anymore..." So there you have it. I just didn't need him to have the freedom of a bed. We live in a center hall colonial with a million stairs. I didn't need him roaming around the house in the middle of the night or worse, feeling eyes on me in my sleep only to open them, seeing his face like Poltergeist right there. We are not a bed-sharing kind of family, unless B and I were into some kind of sadomasochism kind of thing where we would both wake up with black eyes from E's violent sleeping. No thanks. Lastly, E was always a very mature kid. I'm not saying that in a "my kid is a genius and he's perfect" kind of way. Just in a matter of fact, he is a mature kid kind of way. He isn't babyish. So I didn't need to move him to a bed to try to convince him he's a "big boy". If anything, by his attitude and brand of humor proves he is four thinking he is really fourteen.
In March we did convert his crib into a toddler bed on the suggestion of his new pediatrician. He thought maybe having more room might help him sleep better. E is rather tall for his age so maybe he was cramped. I don't know. We were willing to try anything. But having done that, B found that he and I could actually fit in there with E if we wanted to lay with him (one at a time). Well. I got in there and let me tell you- toddler mattresses- the most uncomfortable things to sleep on next to concrete. At least with concrete, you would know what you're getting! I couldn't even get out of the bed. I was laying there so he'd sleep, he fell asleep and I was trapped in there. That was the end of that. We scheduled E's surgery and I thought that he would need a lot of bed down time. I felt he should have a comfortable bed to recover in.
I found a new mattress and box spring on craigslist that was inexpensive. B had to rent a U Haul because no mattress is going in either Mini Cooper. But it was still less money than buying a mattress from a store. And B was going to convert the crib fully. I was at work. I get a text that when he started converting the "bed was a full". I was about to scream at him- "WTF- how do you not know the difference between a full and twin mattress?!". I thought he meant he took the wrong mattress. No no. The lifetime convertible turns into a FULL BED. Yeah, we didn't want that or have room for it. I quickly bought a bed rail and we put the mattress and box spring on the floor and used the bed rail with that. But I wanted a real bed. So I went to research online. I needed it to be cherry wood or at least chocolate or dark. I also needed it not to break the bank. I went to Amazon. I had almost $100 credit there from two gift cards from B to me from an anniversary and Mother's Day.
E loves it. He thinks it's the most fun and at some point I'm going to get the thing that hangs over the bottom that makes it into a fort or house or whatever. It is the perfect bed that can grow with him. When he's done using the bottom to play under, he could use if for storage. It just allows us some options a regular bed would prohibit.
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