Sunday, October 30, 2011

Lights Out!

Snow in October. I don't particularly like snow. But, I wouldn't have minded some snow if we could still have POWER. I am 100% sure I would not have made it as an Ingalls child. Ma and Pa would have either kicked me out or I would've just frozen to death somehow. I just don't see myself chopping trees or churning butter.

I think it would've also been fine if we didn't have a toddler. It's one thing to be unshowered, feel all displaced, and run around with your panties in a bag when you're just you. Or you and a partner. But, when there's a kid involved, it's a ginormous shitshow. No one's fault- it's just like when some people are thrilled for a snow day from work because they can lay in bed, eat take-out or Kraft Mac & Cheese and watch Lifetime all day. With a kid- no so much. It's more- OMFG, how am I going to entertain him/her/them all day?! At least if E was older, we could hand him a shovel.

We were having a fine Saturday afternoon watching movies when, *poof*, off went the power. Now, if I look back to August, I seem to remember that being the same thing I was doing when the power went out during Irene. Watching Annie. This time, I think it was Tangled. Not that it matters since we didn't get to see more than a few minutes.

If we weren't going to be able to hang in the house, we thought we'd go to Garden State Plaza and walk around. Possibly get something to eat. Arrived at the mall to MAJOR traffic trying to get out and half the mall without power. Luckily, the wing with power was the one with Grand Lux Cafe, the movies, etc. Lucky for me- Grand Lux is one of my favorites. AND it was before 5p so we got the lunch special rates! Trust me, small victories during this kind of nightmare are important.

At this point, we were able to see outside from our table and it looked like the snow/sleet wasn't going to stop. B looked up the weather and it was going to keep getting worse for a good eight more hours. We called family but the ones closest lost power too and B's parents live in an area that has tons of tall trees and we didn't want to chance driving there. We called neighbors of ours to check the power status and they said it looked like a war zone all over town- especially by us. Trees were down everywhere- detours, lines down, etc. We started calling hotels like mad. Everywhere was booked up or had no power. Luckily we were able to get a room near the mall. For once, not traveling light came in useful and we had most of what was needed to keep us comfortable for a night. Little did we know it would definitely be more than ONE night.

We also lost power at our store, so that was stressing B out. Home sucks but it's bearable. Work- that's lost money we need. Neither is good but we'd rather lose power at home than work these days. And not to sound stupid, but what about Halloween? I was so glad I'd bought E a Muno costume because at least he got to wear it to the Yo Gabba Gabba Live show! And all that Halloween candy?! Ugh.

What to DO with my child is the next question. I just got the email tonight that there is no school for him tomorrow. At least if he had school that would be four hours I wouldn't have to worry about where we are going go and what we're going to do.  The news is saying it's not really safe to go anywhere because of live wires around and falling branches. A lot of places are closed because of now power still. I may actually lose my mind.

Everyone keeps throwing out the generator talk. A generator is nice, but it's a lot of money and for the possibility of power going out maybe once or twice a year- I don't know. If we had the extra money, I guess, it would be nice, but if we had that kind of "extra money", maybe we'd just rather stay in a hotel and let other people take care of us. I don't know. I'd be saving a lot on all the groceries I now have to throw out- that's for sure. I didn't even have it in me this time to try to save anything with coolers and whatnot. Just too much work. And last time, I tried my hardest but I still had to toss a lot of stuff. It's like- being displaced doesn't suck enough but now I will have to clean out two stinky fridges and freezers. Good times.

So I have nothing of real importance or interest to say aside from just venting. I can look on the bright side- or "bean side" of things. I still have jelly beans left since I wasn't around to eat as many as usual. I got to eat at Grand Lux. We are all together, we're not sick, E has been doing better with the changes than expected and we had no damage to our home or cars. I have friends with flattened cars and holes in the roof due to falling trees and branches.

I had some cupcakes from A la cupcake that I bought on Friday. Usually I buy them one at a time but this time I bought two. Didn't get to eat any on Friday night as planned because we went to S&P. Luckily I remembered to grab them when we left our house. She may bake new ones every day for freshness, but mine held up just fine. Just ate the 2nd one. We also had chocolate from Sugar & Plumm left over but that was gone in five minutes at the hotel. Awesome chocolate. Luckily we were in a hotel that also has a bar. Malibu Bay Breeze has also made this ordeal much more bearable.

So, that's what's been going on. Wanted to write a whole lovey entry about my fabulous weekend in Loveladies (LBI) with my awesome lady friends last weekend but that'll have to wait. I'm going to watch the episodes of One Tree Hill that I missed this past season on my laptop. Praise Amazon instant gratification video streaming. It's fabulous. Between Amazon and Hulu +, I'm good with stuff to watch while I wait this whole mess out.

For anyone that has no power also- I feel ya man. It sucks. Talk about "powerless" having literal meaning and then some. Virtual hugs to all of you hovering around the 50 degree mark in your homes and hoping power is restored within the next few hours. I'm signing off....

***Oh, and I got several emails saying Halloween is moved to Friday November 4, in Glen Rock. No parade, but Trick or Treating.  School is cancelled for Monday, Oct 31- public and I assume the private ones too. The GRJC Nursery School is closed.

***The New Park & Play in Ramsey opens Tuesday for anyone that still doesn't have power and needs to find something to do. I believe they're doing an Open House. You can just go and try it out once to see if you want to join.

Peace out kids. Stay warm!

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