Monday, August 22, 2011

Tennis Anyone?

Suburban Momma deal:

There is only a little time left to buy!

I wasn't going to do sports for E yet. But, tennis, I think I could get down with, and now we have something to do on Sunday morning for/with E. And it's also not something I have to get a cold numb ass for outside somewhere. That's always a plus. I'm not really into sitting on a soccer field until I have to. IF I have to. Maybe he'll LOVE tennis. Or something else he can play indoors. But, I digress.

Anyway- this sounded kind of cool-

Teddy Tennis is an international program that uses a fantastically fun new method to encourage kids from age 3 through age 5 to play tennis and to get active. Let Teddy Tennis teach your little cubs to have a ball with today’s deal: get an 11 Week Session of Fall Tennis Classes for $260 ($400 value). Or one trial class for 51% off ($37 value). Love!

Teddy Tennis’ innovative tennis education program incorporates music, pictures, and teddy bear characters into a light-hearted learning adventure that your children will love. In addition to teaching listening skills, rhythm, and tennis skills, Teddy Tennis will boost your kiddo’s self esteem, physical activity and happiness. Each lesson is 45 minutes long, and your certificate is good for all 11 weeks, meeting once a week starting September 6th-November 21st. Choose which day and time you want when you click the Buy button.

The following classes are available for fall: Tuesday 2:30-3:15 for 3 & 4 year olds (mature 2 1/2 year olds also welcome), Wednesday 4:30-5:15 for older 3 year olds to 5 year olds, Fridays from 4:30-5:15 for older 3 year olds to 5 year olds, Saturday from 9-9:45 for 3-4 year olds or Sunday from 9:30 to 10:30 for 3-4 year olds welcome. Not sure you're ready to commit to 11 weeks of classes? Bring your wee one in for a trial class at 51% off. Your trial class can be used one time during the fall semester. Just call and make sure there is a spot available when you're ready to come out and take a swing. Read more about Teddy Tennis in the Parent's Guide. Teddy Tennis is sweeping the globe; Teddy Tennis was originally developed in the U.K. Wimbledon, here we come!

The music used in all Teddy Tennis lessons provides the rhythm that is key to playing tennis successfully. This helps speed up the learning process, increases your child’s attention span, and above all, it makes Teddy Tennis lessons fun. The words to the songs relate directly to the exercises or games being played and tell the children what to do. In addition, adorable illustrations and characters help guide children visually through each lesson, and as the cubs progress, they move to different levels represented by lovable friendly bears. Your little teddies will love the reward system and be motivated to practice, work hard, and improve their skills while having tons of tennis fun.

Here is the regular website with all their info if you miss the deal:

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